How Much Does a Philippines Toll Free Number Cost

How much does a Philippines toll free number cost? The cost of your Philippines toll free number really depends on a few factors.

To answer this question accurately, your toll free number provider will need to know which country your incoming calls will be sent to, and the device you’ll use to answer the calls.

What Does a Philippines Toll Free Number Look Like

Philippines toll free numbers look very similar to United States toll free numbers. They are usually preceded by 1-800 and include eight additional digits.

Example Format: 1-800-X-XXX-XXXX

What Country Will Your Philippines Toll Free Calls Be Sent To?

You already know that your incoming calls will originate in the Philippines, but what about the location of where the calls will be sent? This location is often referred to as the “terminating country.”

Your rate per minute will vary depending on the terminating country. For instance, if a customer calls your Philippines toll free number and the call is sent to a phone in the United States, the rate per minute will be more than or less than the cost if the call were sent to a phone in Mexico or India.

Within any terminating country, calls that are forwarded to VoIP are always cheaper than calls forwarded to landline or mobile.

How Will Your Philippines Toll Free Calls Be Answered?

Voip Landline Cell Phone_

Incoming calls can be sent to VoIP, landline, or mobile device. Your rate per minute (RPM) will vary depending on the answering device. VoIP calls are almost always cheaper than calls sent to a landline or mobile device.

So, How Much Will My Philippines Toll Free Number Cost?

Most providers offer pay-as-you go plans, where you pay only for the minutes you actually use. You may find that some providers also offer bundled minute packages. Bundled minutes come with a specific amount of calling minutes each month. If you were to go over the minutes in your bundled package, you would be charged for each additional minute used at a separate rate.

The monthly charge for a Philippines toll free number could be between $15.00 to $50.00, depending on your choice of service provider. Listed below are some of the most popular terminating countries, as examples.

For each of these countries, you’ll find an estimated rate per minute for calls terminating to VoIP, landline, and mobile. Of course, your RPM and monthly charge will vary depending on your choice of service provider.

Philippines Toll Free Number