VoIP Origination
What is VoIP origination in telecom, and how is it used? Learn all you need to know about VoIP origination here.
What is VoIP origination?
VoIP is short for Voice Over Internet Protocol. With this technology, phone calls can be routed directly over the internet, which is significantly cheaper than making traditional telephone calls. Call origination refers to where a call is started– in VoIP, it refers to the calls starting point over the PSTN telephone network through the internet.
Types of VoIP Termination Providers
VoIP origination providers, or telecom carriers in general, can be categorized into three tiers; Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3.. Let’s go over each tier in detail.
Tier 1 Carriers
Carriers with Tier 1 status own and maintain their own infrastructure, including direct connections between all points on their network. Peering agreements exist between these large carriers and Tier 2 and sometimes Tier 3 carriers, but they always prioritize their own traffic first. There are only a few Tier 1 carriers in the world.
Tier 2 Carriers
Tier 2 telecom carriers have peering agreements with one or more Tier 1 carriers. While many Tier 2 carriers simply piggyback off a Tier 1 network, some run a hybrid network where they own their own infrastructure in certain regions and/or maintain direct connects with multiple Tier 1 carriers and run calls through the carrier best suited for that call based on when and where the calls take place.
Tier 3 Carriers
Tier 3 telecom carriers are startup carriers or niche providers that works through one or more (usually more) Tier 2 carriers to host their customers' calls.
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